Evolutionary Ecology
Welcome to the Department of Evolutionary Ecology at the Ludwig-Maximilians University
Nicolas Gompel is the head of the chair at which three different research groups are working.
Feel free to contact and to visit us - we look forward to hearing from you!
Evolution & Development (Nicolas Gompel):
We are using closely related species of the fly genus Drosophila to pin down the genetic changes underlying the evolution of pigmentation patterns, courtship behaviours, and other reproduction-related traits.
Aquatic Ecology (Herwig Stibor):
The focus of our research is on experimental analyses of limnic and marine pelagic food web dynamics.
Behavioural Ecology (Niels Dingemanse):
Our main research focuses on the behavioural ecology of variation in labile phenotypic characters across hierarchical levels. We study primarily variation between and within individuals.